HLTC22H3 : Lecture notes & text book incorporated study guide

95 views5 pages
1 Dec 2010

Document Summary

A&g: chapter 3- theories of aging: biological and psychosocial theories. We hear about different ways we can map out our genes > gives us a better understanding because we have more technological advances. We will be challenged to keep up with the new advances and new research that will question previous theories. We will look at the theories of aging and understand that we did not get it right today. Models and theories are often times not carefully distinguished from one another in the literature and create this ongoing problem. We are the young people and are collectively appreciating the issues being described. We have no idea what these things really mean and when we are 65 +, many of the concepts will come to mind. We need to understand that the aging process is occurring right now and we will eventually get old.

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