HLTC23H3 Final: Lecture 2 Study Notes
Document Summary
Lecture #2: the ecological model of child development. Jean piaget: lev vygotsky, bowlby and attachment theory, bronfenbrenner"s ecological approach to understanding child development is best suited to our project of linking macro variables to child outcomes. Swiss philosopher-scientist: believed in genetic epistemology as an approach to understanding development, thought that children were little thought-sacks , was a constructivist: he thought that we use thoughts like building blocks. Piaget and cognitive development: children actively participate in their own development. Scientists in the crib : construct their undersatanding of the world through hypothesis testing, the basic processes of development are, organization, adaptation. It is the basis of how we organize our world: this forms the basis of how we develop cognitively throughout life. Schemas: a schema is a mental model of an aspect of the world, we operate through our schemas. Schemas are dynamic and continually updated through assimilation and accommodation.