LINA01H3 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Ditransitive Verb, Tree Structure, Phrase Structure Rules

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Noncontinuants = stops (oral and nasal) -> obstruction of airflow in the oral cavity. We want to know what"s going on in the native speaker"s mind. Phonetics = the study of the physical properties of speech sounds. Each instance of the /t/ is not actually pronounced the same: speakers mentally represent all those variants as /t/ Phoneme: abstract mental representation of distinctive sound in a language ( rep by / / : the underlying representation, abstract representation of a sound, the category (sounds that are grouped together, that count as one) Phone: the phonetic units that represent their actual pronunciation ( rep by [] : how the sound is actually produced in a given environment. Allophones: set of predictable phonetic variants of a phoneme: predictable by the virtue of phonemic context, member of the phonemic category, more specific. Words are stored in lexicon in terms of phonemes.