MGEC34H3 : Summary of Lectures (Part 2)
168 views3 pages
18 Nov 2010
Document Summary
Workers compensation insurance costs are rising, but not in the normal health care. Costs are higher because someone is paying for it. Constraints on physicians on what treatment they can provide. Managed care - a system in which physician practice is managed in order to address high health care costs. Managed care reduces overconsumption of health care by imposing cost control incentives (on both physician + patient) Set up a network, collection of physicians, hospitals clinics, home care to a defined population in an area. Network is clinically (quality) + fiscally (cost) responsible to treat the defined population. Fixed budget to a certain network, less profits. Contain costs + quality of care through a few mechanisms: Selective contracting payers negotiate prices + select local physicians + hospitals. Steering send enrolees to selected providers. Selective contracting + steering are unique to managed care. Utilization review can be used by all payers.
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