MGHD27H3 Study Guide - Absenteeism, Extraversion And Introversion, Conscientiousness

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long-term learning history: susceptible to change through adult learning experiences. Personality and organizational behaviour: believed to be important factor in many areas of ob, dispositional approach: people have stable traits that influence their attitudes & behaviours. people are predisposed to behave in a certain way. states that individuals possess stable traits or characteristic that influence their attitudes and behaviours: situational approach: characteristics of org-setting influence feelings/attitudes/behaviors. factors in the work environment that might predict and explain organizational behavior. characteristics of organizational setting ie. rewards, punishment, influence ppl"s feelings, attitudes and behaviour. I nteractionist approach: ob is a fn of both dispositions & situation. need to know about personality & work-setting. currently believe: both approaches important for predicting & understanding ob. there is no best personality managers need to appreciate diversity. : fitting right person for the right job & exposure to different mgt-styles.