MGMA01H3 Midterm: Midterm Summary
Document Summary
What is marketing mkting- activities/practices to create p/s that have value for customer; an exchange to satisfy need (of cust. Mkt offering (any p/s, idea, lifestyle, or combination) how mkting fits in: core competencies company customer competitions strategy marketing profit/growth. 3ps (what do cust. want, can we offer that?) and 4cs (mkting mix) - (the delivery) customer perceived value evaluation of benefits vs cost by customer customer satisfaction how perf. meets expectations. Selective cust. relationship mgmt l a i t n e t o. Try to improve profitability, otherwise fire them. Mkting orientations product concept production concept selling concept (inside-out - $ by sales vol) marketing concept (outside-in - $ by cust. satis. ) 2: prevent end of something good core competencies = strengths, sustainable compet. adv. Bcg matrix for portfolio evaluation e t a r h t w o r. Eventually cools down to be cash cow. Require lots of $ just to hold market share.