MGSC14H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Carbon Tax, Listerine, The Offence

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If we"re paying to end life, insurance should also cover to start life. Example of a woman walking down the main street: which is more humiliating, without wig or without breast reconstruction. Abortion not part of our normal functioning. Conceiving a child is our normal functioning, thus, in-vitro should be covered. Most users are in age 50-70, and viagra cannot be used for appropriative purpose, but for recreational purpose. Contraception it is a vital normal natural functioning; it eliminates threat to bear large number of children. Promotes natural functioning of women should be covered. Breast reconstruction wigs actually serves biological function because it protects the heat loss from the head versus breast reconstruction would just have breast tissues removed. Minority (40%) women chose to seek breast reconstruction. There are fewer choices are available for couples without viagra. Unable to engage in access to sexual activity. Sex is impossible without presence of virility. Abortion & in-vitro have same alternative adoption.

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