MGSC46H3 : textbook notes

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Intrapersonal emotional stability, self control, attitudes toward authority, learning style. business decision making, problem solving, negotiation, planning, evaluating performance, strategy. Levels of self insight: appearance, manner, expressiveness, interests, presence, knowledge, acquired skills, training, experience, education, credentials, attitudes, beliefs, self motivation, stability, maturity, judgment, aptitude, behavior patterns. I nterpersonal skills ability to put oneself in another"s role, anticipating others expectations, acting according to others expectations, staying focused on others expectations. Learning style tendency toward gathering, responding to, and interpreting info. concrete experience learn thru personal involvement. reflective observations seek meaning thru study/reflection. abstract conceptualization build theories using logic, ideas, and concepts. active experimentation change situations, influence surroundings to see what happens. planning setting performance objectives, how to achieve them. organizing arranging tasks, people, resources to accomplish work. controlling measuring performance and taking action to ensure desired results. Leading inspiring people to work hard to achieve high performance.