MGSC46H3 : summary of articles on path goal theory
Document Summary
The contingency of the theory specify some of the circumstances in which each of the behaviours is likely to be effective or ineffective. The essence of the theory is for leader to be effective engage in behaviour that complement subordinates environment and abilities in a manner that compensates for deficiencies and is instrumental to subordinate satisfaction and work unit performance. Path goal theory concerns relationship between formally appointed superior and subordinates. How superior affect the motivation and satisfaction of subordinate. A theory of task and person oriented supervisory behaviour. individual will be effective if they complement the environment (ensure subordinate can attain work goals so they will experience intrinsic satisfaction and receive rewards) 2 general classes of leader behaviour: path-goal behavior and behavior directed toward satisfying subordinates needs. House and mitchell defined 4 kinds of behaviours: directive path-goal clarifying leader behaviour behaviour directed toward providing psychological structure for subordinates.