MGTA35H3 Final: Final Exam Review Notes

115 views13 pages
11 Dec 2011

Document Summary

An effective message is clear, concise, comprehensive, complete and correct. Good writing saves time, saves money, saves energy, builds goodwill. Think about your relationship to the reader, the morale in the organization, the economy, the time of year, and any special circumstances. Module 2 adapting your message to your audience. Initial audience first to receive the message, may be the one who assigned message. Gatekeeper has the power to stop the message before it gets to primary audience. Primary audience decides whether to accept recommendations; acts on message. Watchdog has political, social, or economic power; may base future actions on. Secondary audience comments on message or implements recommendations evaluation of message. The communication process: stimulus/sender -> message (encoded) -> channel/method of message transmission (face to face or email) -> receiver (decodes) -> feedback (response) with noise influence every part of the process. Prior knowledge of your topic remind audience of relevant facts (as you know )