POLB91H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Intensify, Juan Velasco Alvarado, Civil Society
Document Summary
The detailed examination of politics within a specific geographical setting. (ie: to study. It does not necessarily involve any explicit comparisons. The power to control and suppress society (global south) The power to administrate and transform through policies (global north) The simplest differentiation between mann"s two types of state power is that despotic power is power over society, while infrastructural power is power through society. While infrastructural power involves a cooperative relationship between citizens and their government, despotic power requires only that an elite class can impose its will on society. A system in which interest groups become an institutionalized part of the political structure. A system in which states use interest group structures to control and dominate citizen groups and the interest they are allowed to voice. Here, the state is dominant and interest groups are consulted only to gain their compliance.