POLB91H3 Midterm: midterm study guide

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15 Feb 2012

Document Summary

Polb 91 midterm study guide y area studies: area studies: the detailed examination of politics within a specific geographical context, not necessarily involving comparisons. 2. need to looks at how local politics affects global. No: 1. international forces/diffusion/contagion, you are missing that effect by studying one country only. The field that develop knowledge about on specific region, people cretic that it mush based on general theoretical frameworks that hightlight global trends. The nations of the world have been growing more interdependent, and the interest that globalization inspires offers opportunities to examine that interdependence more closely. A country s fate is more closely related to other countries. It is sometimes used to refer to a detailed description of a nation or region that does not explicitly seek to generalize beyong the specific case. Refer to studies that build on a relatively deep and context-rich knowledge of a specific society to develop propositions of more general applicability 3.

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