POLC90H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: United States Department Of The Treasury, Participatory Action Research, World-Systems Theory

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24 Apr 2013

Document Summary

Underdevelopment is a process, not a condition (ie: one country can underdevelopment another. Third world poverty is a product of first world prosperity. International and historical factors are key to understanding underdevelopment (ie: imperialist pasts) The world capitalist system undermines/hinders third world development. There is a core mega city that sucks all the resources, while the poor are underpaid for goods. The periphery countries are limited by their satellite status (orbiting around the core) Says that satellites experience their greatest development when their ties to the core are the weakest. Countries do not follow a linear path to progress, categories are not fixed. Development as a mode of production (capitalism is exploitative) One country"s gain is another country"s loss. Core countries: those who specialize in high technology and capital-intrinsic goods. Introduces the semi-periphery (they produce the most advanced goods: ex: us, canada, western europe, australia, new zealand, japan.