90 views5 pages
14 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Top ics for today: pre-colonial society+ power structures, conquest and colonial society. I came to get gold, not till the soil like a peasant hernan cortes, conqueror of mexico: pre-colonial society + power structures. maya, aztec and inca (5-7 million people each). Their history is constantly being revised as we learn more. Tenochtitlan: now mexico city (over 300 000 residents) Organization: rigidly stratified, centralized power, absolute power at the top. Inca -> semi-god, descendent of the sun god int". Location: eg. hunter and gatherer societies such as groups in the amazonian rainforest and. Known for: successful resistance against spanish colonization; 1641 treaty between spain and the mapuche. Iberia from the moors: hierarchical and cruel nature of pre-conquest politics lead society to initially accept. Spanish leadership: spaniards obtained allies among competing native groups. malinche: a nahua (aztec) women enslaved by mayas and presented to cortez. europeans were 2% of colonial population; peninsulares (whites born in spain),

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