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11 Feb 2014

Document Summary

Plato the republic rule of the bests (aristoi) = philosopher-kings ideal luxurious city that is completely happy (kallipolis) only exist when philosophers rule as kings, b/c matter of justice: it"s just that only best should rule. Church as new political entity = christianitas (christendom) Church (as political/legal institution = politeia) state w/ own universally-inclusive jurisdiction of all christians, under rulership of pope (vicarius. Church continued exist after collapse of roman empire self-view as successor. Believe inherited right to rule over world as empire did :. Popes chief priest of church & temporal ruler (like king) vicar (representative) of christ on earth = king of kings, supreme over all rulers exercise plenitude of power (plenitude potestatis) 13 th century catholic church jurisdictional conflict: unam sanctam pope boniface viii vs. king philip iv of france, both claim universal jurisdiction roman catholic church vs. holy roman empire (germany) Church over all christians via spiritual sword: