PSYA01H3 Midterm: Midterm Summary
Document Summary
Psych the science of behav the mind was independent free spirit mind as part of brain whose func. is to control behav casual events causes another event to occur. Areas of psych research physiological organic processes/func. (esp. nervous sys. ) 2) what casual events? chemical brain behav. Comparative study other speciies similarities/diff w/ humans evolutionary adaption behav. Behaviour analysis- effect of consequences on behav. (learning and motivation) law of effect good-> more, bad ->less. Cognitive neuroscience developmental social personality evolutionary cross-culture clinical. Complex behav & mental processes (perception, attention, memory . Physiological + cognitive psych; cog. psych through brain mechanisms. Effect of other ppl on ppl (social influences) Indiv. diff. (temperament & personal history) pattern of behav. Adaptive adv. of specific behav. during evolution natural selection as guiding prin. Bad behav (now) must have had some purpose throughout evoution. Investigation & treatment of psych disorders (apply learning of causes to help patient)