PSYA01H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Aaron T. Beck, Gestalt Therapy

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Freud- psychoanalytic; dream analysis; free association; structure of personality; stages of development; defense mechanisms. Broca- left frontal lobe: associated with expressive language. Chornsky- (native theorist) inherent existence of sets of cognitive structures. Lorenz- "survival of the fittest theory" and imprinting. Phineus gage- railroad spike; damaged (limbic system), emotions/motivational control center. Gilligan- examined moral differences between boys and girls based on social rules and on ethic of caring and responsibility (turtle and hare scenario) Psychoanalytic- people are driven by instincts, largely sexual. Behaviorist- behavior is personality; determined by history of reinforcement. Humanistic- people are inherently good, society ruins them, people strive to satisfy a hierarchy of motives toward self-actualization. Cognitive- people are rational and want to predict and control their world, personal constructs help in this process. Biological- biological factors such as body type or genetics. Psychoanalytic- emerge from initial psychological conflicts that are unconscious, often arising from childhood trauma. Biomedical- traceable to physical abnormalities, biochemistry, structural defects.