PSYA01H3 : Quick-review of chapter 6 terms
Document Summary
A rapid, automatic, unconscious process by which we recognize what is represented by the information provided by our sense organs. Module a block of cortical tissue that receives information from the same group of receptor cells. Receptive field that portion of the visual field in which the presentation of visual stimuli will produce an alternation in the firing rate of a particular neuron. Ventral stream the flow of information from the primary visual cortex to the visual associated area in the lower temporal lobe; used to form the perception of an object"s shape, colour, and orientation (the what system) Dorsal stream the flow of information from the primary visual cortex to the visual associated area in the lower parietal lobe; used to form perception of the object in 3d space (the where system) Visual agnosia the inability of a person who is not blind to recognize the identity of an object visually; caused by damage to the visual associated cortex.