PSYA02H3 : Lecture Notes on Language

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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Language can be broken down into elements at several levels: ex. the building blocks of the language are made of letters and this is partly t rue because when we speaking the letters as building blocks we are speaking about the written language. not everyone can read and write but everyone can speak, we are focusing on speaking language, the verbal language: sentence: Phonemes: are the smallest significant units of sound in language. Linguistics called phonemes bilabial plosives www. notesolution. com: bilabial means that there are both lips involved in producing the phonemes; plosives refers to the fact of explosion when producing the sound, ex. Interesting facts about phonemes: there are 40 phonemes in english, yet only 26 letters to capture these sounds. Morphemes: morphemes are the smallest units of sound that denote meaning in a language, as an example, the word talked has two morphemes, talk and the suffix ed .

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