PSYA02H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Factor Analysis, Erogenous Zone, Black Kids

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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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#2. measuring intelligence->studying individual differences->most psychological research aims to understand average human being->sometimes called nomothetic research. >but some areas of research try to understand why/how some humans differ from others; this type focuses on individual differences. Intelligence->most societies believe it"s in interest of population to financially support education of citizen"s b/c educated ppl. lead to better country, more innovation, stronger economy & power. > ability to measure intelligence might benefit in these ways: allows ppl. to assess whether certain educational approaches lead to higher levels of success, may let an individual tailor child"s education to current abilities. >perhaps some ppl. are better in terms of neural wiring, galton believed this impacted speed at which info was processed. >binet-simon test, then till now used to be called stanford-binet scale, iq of someone represented their mental age divided by chrono. age, then multiplied by 100.