PSYA02H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lobotomy, Starbucks, Leon Festinger

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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Clinical psychology, fitting well, functioning well with social structure = good!, however. >schizo"s were like intermediaries, seen as voices to heavens. >joan of arc schizophrenic, led french to lots of victories, had angels speaking to her, perceived as witch. > how ppl. used to deal with insane->put crazy ppl. into mental institutions, most famous called bedlam. In its most direct form, abnormal just means anything that deviates from the norm. >however in psychological contexts, the term maladaptive is used, meaning person is abnormal in way that causes social problems for them or others (prob. "s that make it hard from them to adapt to society) >thus abnormal psychology is associated with: an inability to hold a job, marital or family dysfunction, problematic interactions with others. When psychic conflict is too strong for defence mechanisms to deal with in healthy ways, they may actually distort one"s perception of reality or the person will function in ways reflective of an early developmental stage.

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