PSYB10H3 : Lecture 22 Notes

87 views1 pages
16 Dec 2010

Document Summary

Situations where the most beneficial action for an individual will be harmful for the collective group: commonly discussed social dilemmas, escalation of conflict interpersonal conflict feeds itself and escalates if one side does not begin concession. conflicts usually match itself: tragedy of the commons. a co-operative dilemma in which everyone takes from a common pool of goods that will replenish itself if used in moderation but disappear if overused. In england they had common fields where sheep could graze. If people let their sheeps graze all the time then the grass wouldn"t grow, but if people moderate the use then it benefits everyone and the grass replenishes. why do we take more than our share: anchoring and adjustment heuristic, desired share is used as an anchor, does not sufficiently adjust down. a special case of john nash"s game theory: strategies that maximize outcomes: