PSYB10H3 : ch. 8 - group processes
Document Summary
Forming relationships with other people fulfills a number of basic human needs. In our evolutionary past, there was a substantial survival advantage to establish bonds with other people: people who bounded together were better able to hunt and grow food, find mates, and care for children. The composition and functions of groups: most social groups are from 2-6 members. Social norms social norms are powerful determinants of human behaviour but if people go against them, they can be pressured to leave the group. ex. the study where students had to take on roles of prisoners and guards. however, not all the people are cause in their social roles and unable to resist. ex. part of the role of being a man in our society involves not wearing female attire or even carrying a purse. Gender roles: all societies have expectations about how people who occupy the roles of women and men should behave.