PSYB20H3 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Behaviorism, Analog Science Fiction And Fact, Little Albert Experiment

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It is always in motion. behavior modification psychoanalytic cognitive-developmental information-processing sharing survival instincts cooperation saving resources. Dr. tu is using the __________ approach: adults within africa"s !kung society rarely interact with infants while they are exploring objects independently. Now when ruby ties her shoes by herself, she repeats these instructions aloud. __________, ruby has internalized her father"s instructions to guide her own thoughts and help acquire new skills. a) the dynamic systems approach: vygotsky"s sociocultural theory c) d) Bronfenbrenner"s model: __________ is linked to many positive outcomes, including higher academic achievement, fewer behavior problems, and a reduced risk of drug and alcohol use, professor santiago regards child development as mostly a discontinuous process. Professor santiago"s belief is consistent with: by stating that children are influenced by nature, theorists mean that __________ influences development, leonard and his best friend anthony grew up in a run-down, crime-ridden, inner-city neighborhood. By age 10, each had experienced years of family conflict.