PSYB30H3 Midterm: Lecture 3 and 4 - including chapter 3,4 and 6

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7 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Words that describe traits, attributes of a person that are characteristics of a person and perhaps enduring over time. Trait theories of personality: emphasis is placed on the person rather than on the situation or the environment, traits are thought to reflect motivational systems that increase adaptation to positive or negative stimuli. Focus on individual differences, rather than intrapersonal processes. Traits relatively enduring dispositions that exert a consistent influence on behaviours in a variety of situations: broad personality characteristics. State the psychological reaction to the situation in which an individual finds him or herself: transitory disposition. Types: discontinuous categories (introverts vs extraverts, represent qualitative differences in people, labeling convenience, often viewed as biological or genetically based. Traits: continuous dimensions (e. g. sociability, aggressiveness, represent quantitative differences in people. Individual differences reflect differences in amount of a trait. Two basic formulations: traits as internal causal properties.