PSYB30H3 Final: All Lecture Notes (Week 1-6 including Lectures 1-11) Detailed.

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1 Mar 2011

Document Summary

Week 1 (lecture 1+2: personality: the scientific study of individual differences, origin of individual differences, dimension of differences & implications of individual differences. by knowing a person"s personality trait you can predit something about them within the first 10 mins of meeting them such as marriage, divorce, occupational/educational attainment, & mortality. in order to fill in the details of personality traits to fully understand a person, what"s in their mind, concerns, motivated to achieve, developmental life tasks they are currently engaged with, etc. Scientific theories: scientific theories consist of specifically defined constructs linked together by correspondence rules which suggest testable hypotheses. a set of interrelated statements about some phenomena in the world. all scientific theorizing begins with unsystematic observation. Constructs are also a way of classifying things in the world: correspondence rules: are theories that take constructs and link them together. generate testable hypotheses about the relationships between constructs. www. notesolution. com.