PSYB30H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Oral Stage, Reality Principle, Personality Development

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11 Dec 2015

Document Summary

Attachment theory: we form emotional bonds with our caregivers which become mental representations called internal working models of all future intimate relationships. Transference: unconscious redirection of feelings for one person onto a different person who resembles the original person in some way, especially from a person who was important in childhood onto a person important in present. Key premise of psychoanalytic psychology is that we form mental representations of ourselves, others and relationships from early experiences. Freud influenced by scientists and philosophers of the day and believed he had a solution to the mind-body problem: instincts. He thought there had to be a similar energy source for the mind (psychic energy) and that this energy fueled the functions of the mind including thinking imaging, and remembering. Instinct: a tension, or an excitation originating from within. The habitual ways we deal with our impulses form or the body personality.