PSYB30H3 : complete transcription

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All aspects of p develop over a life course not simply traits, but goals, our life narratives and so on, are all in the process of developing. Continuity means several diff things potentially, depending on the context. We will talk today about continuity of individual differences. Coherence is a related idea but it is distinguishable. By coherence we are acknowledging that what a trait looks like can change as we age what it means to be e at age 6 may not be identical to what. Coherence acknowledges that the reference for a given construct changes over time. The behaviors that served to indicate a particular construct may not be identical at 2 diff time points. Coherence refers to the idea that there can be an underlying structure to our p that remains the same even thought the expression to that attribute in our behavior changes. To say that if something is heritable, it should always be continuous, is wrong.