PSYB32H3 Study Guide - Positron, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Systematic Desensitization

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26 Jan 2013

Document Summary

Abnormal behavior includes: statistical infrequency, violation of norms, personal distress, disability or dysfunction, and unexpectedness statistical infrequency is used explicitly in diagnosing mental retardation clinical psychologist: psychotherapy. Psychiatrist: prescribe drugs trepanning of skulls (making an opening in a living skull by some instrument where evil spirits can escape) used for headaches, epilepsy and other psychological disorders; introduced by. Siberia somatogenesis (hippocrates): notion that something wrong with the soma, or physical body, disturbs thought and action. Psychogenesis: belief that a disturbance has psychological origins. 4 humours (hippocrates): excess phlegm (person is sluggish and dull), excess black bile (melancholia), excess blood (changes in temperament), excess yellow bile (irritability) Death of galen, considered the last major physician, marked the beginning of the dark ages for. Western european medicine and for the treatment of abnormal behavior. Malleus maleficarum ( the witch"s hammer ) guide to witch hunts. Bethlehem: bedlam: became a place of wild uproar and confusion.