PSYB51H3 Study Guide - Retinitis Pigmentosa, Ganglion Cell, Visual Acuity

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6 Jun 2011

Document Summary

Chapter 2 summary: this chapter provided some insight into the complex journey that is required for us to see stars and other spots of light. The path of the light was traced from a distant star through the eyeball and to its absorption by photoreceptors and its transduction into neural signals. It can become a sensation only when it"s absorbed by a photoreceptor in the retina: vision begins in the retina, when light is absorbed by rods or cones. In the most common form of the disease, patients first notice vision problems in their peripheral vision and under low light conditions, situations in which rods play the dominant role in collecting light. A little light physics: describe the two ways used to conceptualize light, describe the difference between light that is reflected and light that is transmitted. Answers: one way is to think of it as a wave that travels through a medium.