PSYB57H3 Midterm: Chapter 7, 8, 9 (includes lecture & textbook)
Document Summary
A mental representation of some object, event, or pattern that has stored in it much of the knowledge typically thought relevant to that object, event or pattern. Helps us establish order in our knowledge base. Process by which things are placed into groups called categories. Allows us to make predictions & act accordingly. A class or a group of similar things (objects or entities) Shares 1 of 2 things: an essential core. Or some similarity in perceptual, bio, or fxnal properties. Understand individual cases you have not seen before & make inferences about them. Distinctions b/w categories causes your rxns to instances depending on classification. 5 distinct approaches to study of categorization and concepts: Dominant view in psych up until 70s, dates back to aristotle. Category membership determined by a set of defining (necessary and sufficient) properties. Assumes concepts are not representations of specific examples but a list of characteristics. All concepts share these fundamental characteristics, or features.