PSYB57H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stroop Effect, Cocktail Party, Subliminal Stimuli

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Psyb57 chapter 4: the varieties of attention. Research on attention started when problems were experienced by armed forces personnel: many different streams of speech reach the person at the same time. Broadbent"s experimental technique was used -> dichotic listening: participants are exposed to 2 verbal messages simultaneously and are required to answer questions posed in only one of the messages. When participants knew in advance which of the two voices contained required message-> performance was very good. Participants good at selective-attention: attending to relevant info and ignoring irrelevant info: broadbent & cherry. Cocktail party phenomenon: the ability to attend to one conversation when many other conversations are going on around you: shadowing task: a task in which the subject is exposed to. 2 messages simultaneously and must repeat one of them. Participants wear headphone and are given 2 messages -> one in each ear. Participants shadow one of the two messages by repeating it as they hear it.

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