PSYC12H3- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 88 pages long!)

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Prejudice is an important issue of psychological inquiry. Humans quickly mage snap judgements about people we see. Gut-level reaction creates aversive racists who are not aware that they hold racist opinions. Misattribute there aversion to something that isn"t race related. Participants had to choose candidates for a job. When race was ambigious, candidates were selected purely based on skills --> good candidate hired, horrible ones dismissed. When candidate also described as black and had some good skills and some okay skills, had a gut-level feeling that candidate was bad. Attributed these feelings to something being wrong with the candidate but not knowing what, probably compentence. The same candidate described as white did not elicit the same negative gut-feeling. The categorizing of people into ingroup (people like us) and outgroup (people not like us) leads to prejduice. Likely causes the unconscious bias seen in aversive racism. Affects the response the world gives to these people.