PSYC12H3 : PSYC12- CH 2 notes
Document Summary
Chapter 2: origin and maintenance of stereotypes and prejudice. because they are obvious and immediate feature of an individual, and because these categories yield much information about useful distinction in social behaviour between those in different groups. strong influences on how the perceiver interprets most of the other information about the perceived individual. In groups and out groups: how does the dynamics of groups and how the attitudes, motivation, and cognition of individuals change as a function of their membership in a group o. In group bias (favouritism: two major goals: we greatly simplify our social environment by categorizing others. In favouring our group, we also tend to put down or attribute negative characteristics to out groups. participants" reaction times to positive person descriptors were fast when preceded by a priming word thta denotes one"s in group (us, we, our) reaction time were slower to negative person descriptors when preceded by those in group prime.