PSYC14H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Acculturation, Stereotype Threat, Code-Switching

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25 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Allows for tourism to be a thriving business: later/ 6-8 months= increasingly negative views= culture shock / crisis . Migrants often realize language skills are not good enough to fully function. Initially interesting people no longer see them as exotic/different(cid:0) change of convo about hometown to local culture(cid:0) recent migrants don"t have enough info. Homesickness can become strong= long for little things. Culture shock= the feeling of being anxious, helpless, irritable and in general homesick that one experiences when moving to a new culture: later= adjustment . Become more proficient in functioning in new culture. Japan= 98% japanese: study(cid:0) migrants to japan did not replicate the u-shaped curve(cid:0) instead found an. 4 different acculturation strategies that people might have= sami: integration strategy= includes attempts to fit in and fully participate in host culture while trying to maintain the traditions of one"s heritage culture. Positive views towards host and heritage culture.