PSYC18H3 Study Guide - Aan, Epicurus, Antigen
Document Summary
detractors ardued that psychoanalusis was less a threapeturic procduecure: freud proposed a therapy of listening carefully, evenly hovering attention . Psyc18 chapter 14 textbook notes thought that one should live in a simple way and enjoy the simple pleasures, like food and the enjoyment of friendship shifts in attention from irrational desires to more worthwhile ones: stoics. the ideas of the stoics were thought to have influenced the acceptance of chrisitnaity by the romans following he conversion of the emperor. more radical than the epicureans they thought that because emotions derivies from desires, therefore to free onesled from crippling and destructive emotions, one should extirpate amlos all desires. therapy consists of encouraning a fuller experience of such emotions, primay emotions. secondary emotions climents experience emotions too mch, clients report the emotins as troublesome: eg women who are sad when really they are angry. Men who are afraid, but yet cover us their fear with anger.