PSYC39H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pathological Jealousy, Construct Validity, Peer Pressure

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26 Jan 2013

Document Summary

Once a child is 12, they are assumed to be in sufficient control of their behavior. Juvenile delinquents act: recognize the special circumstances inherent with juvenile offenders; legislation applied to individuals between 7 and 16 (18 in some jurisdictions) Criticism of juvenile delinquents act: denying youth of rights, right to appeal, legal representation, broad definition of delinquency that included acts that were not illegal for adults. Youth offenders act: 7 and 12 years old (and up to 18); possibility of transfer to adult court if 14 years old and up. Youth offenders act: allowed youth cases to be diverted; decision not to prosecute a young offender but rather have them undergo a community service program; young offender would have to plead guilty for diversion to be possible. Canada has the highest incarceration rate for youth in western world, including u. s.

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