RLGA01H3 Final: Key Terms For Final Exam
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Key terms for the lecture on hinduism: sanatana dharma. Eternal faith; religious and social duty, including religiousness and faith. Local manifestation of faith tilak (or tilaka) A dot/mark on the forehead made by colored powder. Symbolizes the woman"s role in the society. Action, good or bad, as its believed to determine the quality of rebirth in future lives. To achieve moksha requires transforming experimental wisdom samsara. India traces back towards the indus valley; culture between 3000- 1500 bc. Known to be a well developed culture through there religious technology. The culture where the beginning traces of hinduism is found > resulted into. Culture included written languages and impressive architecture designed for religious purposes. 1 of the 2 towns on the banks of the indus river. Where the indus valley civilization began www. notesolution. com. Culture included hand written language, and architecture designed for religious purposes. People from central asia migrating in iran. Acquired a class of connotation (noble ones)
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