RLGA02H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hasidic Judaism, Scribd, Muslim Holidays

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13 May 2011

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a scriptural canon is the list of books acknowledged as scripture. canon law is the accumulated body of church regulations and discipline. a biblical canon is a list or set of biblical books considered to be authoritative as scripture by a particular religious community, generally in judaism or christianity. these canonical books have been developed through debate and agreement by the religious authorities of their respective faiths. Believers consider these canonical books to be inspired by god or to express the authoritative history of the relationship between god and his people. Any church"s or religion"s laws, rules, and regulations; more commonly, the written policies that guide the administration and religious ceremonies of the roman catholic church. Glossolalia- speaking in strange tongues, which is a principal feature of charismatic behavior. Springing from the revivalist roots of methodism. An emphasis on feeling intensely the achievement or the gift of holiness, these congregations are often referred to as.

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