RLGA02H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Midrash, Torah, Shahada

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30 Jan 2011

Document Summary

The deportation of jewish leadership from jerusalem to. Mesopotamia by the conquering babylonians in 586 bce. A rupture of local israelite political, ritual, and agricultural institutions, it marks the transitions from israelite religion to judaism. A designation of food as ritually acceptable, implying that all rabbinic regulations regarding animal slaughter and the like have been observed in its preparation. The first five books of the hebrew bible, ascribed by tradition to moses, but regarded by modern scholarship as the result of several centuries of later literary activity. The three part hebrew scriptural collection composed of. Torah or law , nebi"im or prophets and ketuvim or sacred writings and named as an acronym of these three terms. those of the mediterranean. Initiation of a thirteen year old boy into adult ritual responsibilities in the synagogue service. Some branches of judaism parallel it with a bat mitzvah for girls. The jews of the pre-modern mediterranean and middle.

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