SOCA01H3 : MSL reading Slaughter house

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13 Dec 2010

Document Summary

Employers at the smithfield slaughterhouse, effectively use racist strategies, such as enforcing a racial hierarchy within workers and exploiting racial tensions amongst then to maintain an economic advantage and social control. At work racial groups are segregated by employers, employees are then segregated by choice in their communities, at the lunchroom and away from work. Blacks: do the dirty jobs, work the kill floor. Mexicans: do the dirty jobs, work the cut floor. Whites: mostly are mechanics and supervisors, do clean jobs. Their jobs rely on each other, when one group is working too slow it slows down the whole process and angers other groups. Blacks kill the animals first, mexicans cut them, and packaging is a cleaner job, all the while groups are being supervised by whites. Stereotypes are also at large at the plants. N a mexican who works the plant with her husband. N she is an illegal immigrant as are most of the mexican workers.

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