SOCA01H3 : Family Msl nts
Document Summary
S comprises of a cohabiting man and woman who are in a socially approved sexual relationship and have at least one child together. S a nuclear family in which the wife works in the house without pay and the man works out side for paid wages. The nuclear family is no longer the most widespread type of family in canada. It was in the 1940s and 1950s. Between 1950 and 1998 the amount of woman over 16 working increased from 25 to 58% By 1990 80% of mothers with school aged children were in the labour force. Feel like the decline of the nuclear family is disastrous, and that it leads to increased crime, drug use, and poverty and welfare dependency rates amongst canadians. S not so common because it is expensive to support many wives and children. S concluded that the nuclear family is a distinct and strong functional group. S the nuclear family is based on marriage.