SOCA01H3 Study Guide - Industrial Revolution, Scientific Revolution, Solidarity
Document Summary
Are often motivated to do research by the desire to improve people"s lives. Use the scientific method to test their ideas. From personal troubles to social structures: social structures: are relatively stable patterns of social relations, sociologists examine the connection between social relations and personal troubles are the patterns of social relations formed during face-to-face interaction. (cid:0) ex. Family. are the overarching patterns of social relations that lie outside and above your circle of. 3. global structures are patterns of social relations that lie outside and above the national level. (cid:0) ex. Origins of the sociological imagination: sociological imagination personal struggles and social structures, modern revolutions pushed people to think about society in an entirely new way: The quality of mind that enables a person to see the connection between: suggested that a science of society was possible. 2. democratic revolution: suggested that people could intervene to improve society.