SOCA01H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Operant Conditioning, Drug Tolerance, Albert Bandura

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13 Feb 2015

Document Summary

Chapter 6: learning: when one of pavlov"s dogs salivated in response to the food, the salivation was a(n) unconditioned response, but when the dogs salivated to the sound of a metronome, the salivation should be called a(n) conditioned response. Correct: an unconditioned response (ur) is a reflexive, unlearned reaction to an unconditioned stimulus. In contrast, a conditioned response (cr) is the learned response that occurs to the conditioned stimulus. In pavlov"s basic experiment, the food was the unconditioned stimulus because dogs instinctually salivate to food. The dogs were conditioned to salivate to the metronome or similar stimulus by pairing it with the food until the two stimuli became associated. Objective: know the key terminology involved in classical conditioning: john watson and rosalie rayner demonstrated that people suffering from phobias may have been accidentally conditioned to have emotional responses to specific stimuli or situations.