SOCA01H3 Study Guide - Cultural Diversity, English Language In England, Michael Ignatieff
Document Summary
Sociologists define culture as the sum of practices, languages, symbols, beliefs, values, ideologies,and material objects that people create to deal with real-life problems. Culture enable people to adapt to, and thrive in, their environments. High culture culture consumed mainly by upper classes (opera, ballet, etc. ) Popular culture is culture consumed by all classes. Abstraction the ability to create general ideas or ways of thinking. Symbols ideas that carry meaning (eg. languages and mathematical signs) Norms generally accepted ways of doing things. Values ideas about what is right and wrong. Production is the third main tool- it is the human capacity to make and use tools. It improves our ability to take what we want from nature. Material culture compromises the tools and techniques that enable people to get tasks accomplished (tangible) Non-material culture is composed of symols, norms, and other intangible elements. Folkways are the least important, evoke least sever punishment (walks on street wearing nothing on top half)