SOCC29H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nuclear Family, Honor Killing

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6 Feb 2014

Document Summary

They express their musicality thru the military, but in other areas they don"t have these opportunities and therefore engage in different types of violence with the use of symbols such as cars, dogs and arms. Weakens it because when men leave their families to work in oil rich countries, the mother has to assume both roles and sometimes women have to get a public sphere job to make more money. Informal labour is still an economic contribution because it saves on costs (if the wife didn"t do it, then someone else wold have to be paid to do it). Contribute an income to the family by trading items in the markets. Push for nuclear family where the elderly would not have a place, they lose they economic safety net which puts them at risk. Shift from agriculture to industrialization means elderly cannot have control the labour of their daughter in laws.