SOCC40H3 Final: ALL Lecture Notes SOCC40.pdf

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4 Mar 2012

Document Summary

Midterm 2 essay ques, pick one of two ques and you combine lecture. Materil and readings, 21 questions: durkheim"s influence. (a) durkheim"s functional origins: durkheim is a classical sociological theorist, now we will see the relationship between durkheim and parsons because they are both. Compte and he also borrows from spencer; the larger societies become the more differentiated they become. And the more anomic they become as society become bigger (social evolutionism) over time (hunters and gatherers 25 people) As they become larger they become more differentiated (society splits up into parts) and more anomic (more difficult to integrate: although durkheim was influenced by spencer he rejects. English utilitarianism, because utilitarianism is an english philosophy ideology, according to durkheim it is too. Durkheim argues (anti capitalist) the pursuit of. Pleasure is detrimental to society, as it undermines. He apposes the english utilitarianism: durkheim on society. (a) the properties of society: he thinks in terms of totality society is a totality.