STAB22H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sampling Distribution, Standard Deviation, Geometric Distribution

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22 Feb 2015
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STAB22H3 Full Course Notes
STAB22H3 Full Course Notes
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38 documents

Document Summary

Read lectures 1-12, chapters 1-9 and 12-25 from the textbook. Do the assigned exercises from the textbook. Discrete: probability distribution, mean and variance of a discrete random variable. Example: let and be independent and have the same distribution given below: Find the probability distribution of x, e(x) and var(x): binomial distribution. X ~ bin (n, p), x = 0, 1, , n. X ~ geom (p), x = 1, 2, 3, . Continuous: density curve, normal distribution, normal approximation (sampling distribution for counts and sample proportions) Let x be the count of successes in the sample and be the sample proportion of successes. When n is large, the sampling distributions of these statistics are approximately normal: As a rule of thumb, we will use this approximation for values of n and p that satisfy and . Draw an srs of size n from any population with mean and finite standard deviation .