WSTA01H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hijab, Gender Pay Gap, Heteronormativity
Document Summary
Many scientists argue that differences in gender are because of biology. Because men + women = different adaptive strategies this explains why men + women differ in behaviour. Differences in brain function i. e. brains have evolved differently; men + women rely on different brain hemispheres e. g. women = better language/communication skills, men = spatial skills e. g. throwing a ball. Some scientists say gender difference is rooted in the difference of hormones e. g. sapolsky testosterone rules claims that because males = more testosterone, more aggressive yet this is flawed because testosterone merely exaggerates the aggression that is already there. Social constructionists: biological explanations of gender difference oversimplify a complex set of processes involving both biology + culture. Gender is socially and culturally constructed (instituted through society, religion, political system etc that we live in) Anne-fasto sterling the dominant 2 sex model does not account for the variations and diversity of who we are therefore sex categorization is problematic and oversimplified.