WSTA03H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Undoing Gender, Ableism, Intersectionality

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Document Summary

Key concepts and ideas associated with each theory, two examples (from the lectures, readings, visual materials and tutorials) to support key concepts. Flex time: flexible hours so they can get equal amount of work = valance of the work and the house. Women"s primary responsibility for child care and household maintenance. Division of paid work into women"s jobs and men"s jobs. Devaluation of and low pay for women"s jobs. Bringing women into occupations and professions dominated by men and breaking through the glass ceilings to positions of authority (affirmative action) Bringing more women into politics through equal-representation rules and financial support. Promoting gender mainstreaming in laws and policies ensuring attention to women"s needs. Fighting for legal, accessible, and affordable procreative services. Too much emphasis on the similarities of women and men, hiding the positive qualities of women, such as empathy or nurturance. Too much attention to paid work and careers for women as the most meaningful lifestyle.